About Viewlands Elementary School
Every Child Known, Safe, Inspired, Challenged, Empowered!

Viewlands has a rich history dating back to the 1950’s when it originally opened and found a way into the hearts of families and community members. Viewlands has enjoyed amazing support since its re-opening in September 2011, and has re-established itself as a very special place for students, staff, and families.
Our focus is on environmental science as we create a learning environment where students use school grounds and Carkeek Park to develop skills and knowledge base, to expand learning beyond the classroom walls, and to ensure sustainability for themselves and the earth. We also have a strong emphasis on the Visual Arts with a full-time art teacher, and an Annual Art Walk.
Student and Family Handbook
Our Mission
As a growing neighborhood school, Viewlands is a place:
- that actively embraces all cultures and strives to build relationships where all students and families are known.
- that addresses social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs so that students feel safe and inspired to challenge themselves.
- where children are given an educational foundation and opportunity to strive for academic and creative potential.
- where our connection with the community, Carkeek Park, and our exploration of the arts develops relationships with the environment and the world around us.