Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-7-25

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-7-25
Hello Viewlands Families!
It has been a wild weather week. While no one wants remote learning, everyone, staff, students, and families all did our best! Thank you for embracing joyful flexibility during the remote learning! Today devices are coming home again due to potential weather this weekend. We continue to be in the middle of district MAP testing so please make sure the devices come back to school Monday!
Today, was an exciting start to our day. We had an assembly for 1st through 5th grade students as part of our Black History month learning and activities. Seattle JazzED performed incredible jazz music. We learned a little history of jazz music in between songs and learned about some of the instruments, including the tuba, trumpet, trombone, electric guitar, and the saxophone. In addition, the 4th and 5th grade instrumental music teacher, Ms. Katyrose Jordan, joined Seattle JazzED as the saxophonist. She previously was part of Seattle JazzED so joined them for this performance. It was a beautiful way to come back together today after two remote learning days. Thank you to VEPTSA for your partnership. VEPTSA funds this assembly for Viewlands! It is one of the many ways they support our community.
A few highlights from my visits in classrooms and with students this week: joining every remote learning class and hearing students share things about their home and playing in the snow; discussing with a few 4th and 5th graders that shared their persuasive writing about earning a free sit Friday at lunch; talking about math and how to break apart numbers with a few 1st graders; and the big highlight of the day today was the Jazz assembly!
Your children are bright, inquisitive, and creative thinkers. We will continue to seek ways to make every student feel known, valued, and empowered through the year.
In Partnership,
Carrie Wheeler | Viewlands Principal
Black History Month
February is Black History month. Five years ago, Seattle Public Schools began a journey toward a more just and equitable education for all students. The focus has been on improving outcomes for Black/African American boys. Students and educators are the agents of change in this work. Change requires passion, dedication, and steadfast commitment. At Viewlands we will be reading books and engaging in discussions and learning centered on Black History, past and present black leaders, and the humanity of black people and their lived experiences by bringing those experiences into the classroom. SPS provides resources for all ages, with specific resources for our elementary age students with different resources for different grade levels. While this is part of February, the hope is that we are honoring the lived experiences, cultural backgrounds, and traditions of our students and families throughout the school year.
In addition, we have two assemblies planned this month. The first one was today with Seattle JazzED. Next Friday, February 14th we will end our day with an all-school assembly led and coordinated by the 2nd grade team. The assembly focus is Gathering for Positive Change. We will come together with student led activities of song and poem at the assembly, and then walk together in a community march on our campus.
February 14th Friendship Day
There are many different viewpoints, opinions, and preferences from our families on the upcoming February 14th Valentines Day. At Viewlands, Feb 14th is referred to as a “Friendship Day”. The exact way teachers decide to celebrate ‘Friendship Day” varies. Valentines Day does not have historical context that connects to elementary learning in core subjects but can be a way to connect to our social-emotional learning centered around friendship or a way to acknowledge our classmates/peers.
- If a classroom teacher chooses to do something to celebrate “Friendship Day”, it is something handled in the classroom so all students can participate (i.e. friendship cards, pictures, compliments for every student). I encourage teachers to communicate ahead of time of their plan for this day. We want this day to feel successful for all students.
- We do not want candy or high sugar treats from home as part of any friendship day celebrations. This is because families have different opinions and preferences around candy/high sugar treats and those types of snacks/treats can impact the emotional regulation and social behavior responses for some students, as well as how students respond to each other.
- When classrooms do something to honor or celebrate Friendship Day, the goal is to connect to classroom community building that our educators are working to cultivate throughout the year and/or social-emotional learning.
I appreciate your understanding and flexibility. If you have specific questions about what is happening in your child’s classroom, please reach out to the classroom teacher.
Orca Cares Closet Donations
Together with VEPTSA, we have an Orca Cares closet to share needed items with students and families. VEPTSA helps provides support for the Orca Cares closet and we accept donations of specific items. Please only bring the listed items if you would like to donate items to this closet. We can’t accept any items not on the list.
New or Gently used sweatpants and elastic waisted pants (no jeans, button/zip pants) youth small to XL and adult small
New or Gently used athletic pants and shorts (elastic waist) youth small to XL and Adult small
New or Gently used winter coats youth small to XL and adult small
New or Gently used no rips/tears athletic tennis shoes youth sizes
Updates and Messages from our VEPTSA Partners:
Viewlands Staff Appreciation – Friendship Day Friday, February 14
Sign up to bring food or help set up a bagel breakfast, treat boxes for staff, and valentines for students to share.
Yearbook Cover Art Contest – Due to front office February 27
It’s time for the annual yearbook competition. Students submit art and teachers and staff anonymously select an artwork winner for the cover of the yearbook – the winner also receives a free copy!
- Paper: 8.5” x 11” portrait
- Details: Artwork must include an orca. Write the student’s full name and teacher’s name on the back in pencil.
Viewlands Orca Cup Soccer – Saturday, March 8, 2-4pm (Sandel Park, 9053 1st Ave NW)
Save the date for the annual Viewlands Orca Cup Soccer event! This is a free community event open to all Viewlands families. The event includes some warm up, fun challenge drills, and friendly soccer games. We will have energetic music, a photo op with a custom Orca Cup trophy, stickers, and snacks. Families and friends are encouraged to cheer on the young athletes. Note: This is not a drop off event, adults must accompany their children. See Konstella > Calendar event for more details. Email Samantha Orr with questions,
Spring Auction “Come As You Are” – Saturday, April 5, 6-10pm
Step back into ‘92 for Viewlands Elementary PTSA’s Grunge-Themed Spring Auction & Party at the Screwdriver Bar in Belltown. Tickets on sale now! Interested in volunteering or donating auction items? Contact us at to get involved!
Important Upcoming School Calendar Dates
- Monday February 17th through Friday February 21st – No School, President’s Day Holiday and Mid-Winter Break
¡Hola familias de Viewlands!
Ha sido una semana de mal tiempo. Si bien nadie quiere el aprendizaje remoto, todos, el personal, los estudiantes y las familias hicieron lo mejor que podieron. ¡Gracias por abrazar la alegre flexibilidad durante el aprendizaje remoto! Hoy los dispositivos vuelven a casa debido al posible clima de este fin de semana. Continuamos en medio de las pruebas MAP del distrito, ¡así que asegúrese de que los dispositivos regresen a la escuela el lunes!
Hoy ha sido un comienzo emocionante para nuestro día. Tuvimos una asamblea para estudiantes de 1º a 5º grado como parte de nuestro aprendizaje y actividades del Mes de la Historia Afroamericana. Seattle JazzED interpretó una increíble música de jazz. Aprendimos un poco de historia de la música de jazz entre canciones y aprendimos sobre algunos de los instrumentos, como la tuba, la trompeta, el trombón, la guitarra eléctrica y el saxofón. Además, la profesora de música instrumental de 4º y 5º grado, la Sra. Katyrose Jordan, se unió a Seattle JazzED como saxofonista. Anteriormente formó parte de Seattle JazzED, por lo que se unió a ellos para esta actuación. Fue una hermosa manera de volver a estar juntos hoy después de dos días de aprendizaje remoto. Gracias a VEPTSA por su colaboración. ¡VEPTSA financia esta asamblea para Viewlands! Es una de las muchas formas en que apoyan a nuestra comunidad.
Algunos aspectos destacados de mis visitas a las aulas y con los estudiantes esta semana: unirme a todas las clases de aprendizaje remoto y escuchar a los estudiantes compartir cosas sobre su hogar y jugar en la nieve; discutiendo con algunos estudiantes de 4º y 5º grado que compartieron sus escritos persuasivos sobre cómo ganar un viernes libre en el almuerzo; hablar de matemáticas y de cómo separar los números con algunos alumnos de 1º grado; y el gran punto culminante del día de hoy fue la asamblea de Jazz.
Sus hijos son pensadores brillantes, curiosos y creativos.
Continuaremos buscando formas de hacer que cada estudiante se sienta conocido, valorado y empoderado durante todo el año.
En asociación,
Carrie Wheeler – España | Viewlands Principal