Viewlands Elementary

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 4-19-24

Hello Viewlands Families!

There was lot of fun in the warm sunshine the end of this week! In addition, the “Where’s Wheeler” fun continues. Students have enjoyed finding more “Where’s Wheeler” cards in various places as they travel through the building. 

There are always highlights when listening and learning with and from our students. This week helping kindergarteners and 3rd grade buddies get grouped up together and watching their interactions during their buddy time this week; doing some math thinking and strategy games with 1st graders; listening to the many “theories” from 5th graders on what the new special 5th grade fieldtrip was going to be this spring; and learning about different animals from 2nd graders were the highlights! Your children are bright, inquisitive, and creative thinkers. We will continue to seek ways to make every student feel known, valued, and empowered through the year.

In Partnership,

Carrie Wheeler | Viewlands Principal

Important Reminder

One important reminder for all families, students can arrive at school at 7:40. There is no entrance to school or supervision for students before 7:40AM. We open the doors at 7:40. Supervision of students in their classrooms and at breakfast for those that need it is provided at that time. In all Seattle Public Schools elementary schools, students can arrive 15 minutes before the first official bell/start time, which at Viewlands is 7:55, which is why 7:40 is when the doors open. Families that are doing drop off need to stay outside at the front entry with their students until 7:40, unless there is a scheduled family meeting with a teacher/staff member before school.

Visitors at Viewlands Next Week, 4/22 and 4/24

We will have visitors next week at school as part of the capital projects team and to see levy funds that support buildings. On Monday, 4/22, a small team of 4 people will be here to see the building in use and gather some notes on the functionality of the spaces in comparison to the intended function. On Wednesday 4/24, a large group of people part of the Association for Learning Environments, will be visiting several new school building projects, including 3 Seattle Public Schools elementary schools, Viewlands, James Baldwin, and Kimball. These groups will not be interacting directly with students and will be staying in a group as they walk the building with an designated leader that is part of the Viewlands building project team and/or SPS.

Save the Date: Community Salmon Gathering

The 2nd annual Community Salmon Gathering: Thursday, May 16th, 5:30PM

Come join our Viewlands community at Carkeek Park for an evening of community, celebration, and appreciation of our place and salmon! We’ll be walking the path our salmon take downstream, while remembering the things we’ve learned and our responsibility to the lands, waters, and more-than-humans around us. You are invited to bring a picnic dinner for your family and a dessert to share. We are excited to see you there!

Ingraham High School: Summer 2024 RAM Camps

There are summer camps available through Ingraham High School athletic teams for elementary age children. These camps help raise funds for the athletics programs at Ingraham, our neighborhood high school. There are many Viewlands alum students that are part of the athletic teams at Ingraham!


VEPTSA Update:

Message from VEPSTA Partners

Click the header for links and more details on each topic.

Spring Auction  Next Weekend, April 27

On Monday, April 22 at 12:00pm PT through Friday, April 26 at 8:00pm PT you and your family and friends can bid on a subset of auction items including teacher experiences. No event ticket required!

Yearbook 23-24  Sales close May 3rd

Yearbooks are on sale now for $16 each. Please consider sponsoring a yearbook (or a few!) for Viewlands students. To request a free copy, email us at

Mother’s Day Bouquet order by May 4 – pick up by Saturday, May 11.

Purchases of these local Hmong farmers crafted floral arrangements benefit Viewlands, $10 per designated bouquet, with an additional $10 going pooled funds to all Title 1 Schools (37) within SPS.

VEPTSA enrichment  – Volunteers Needed! Sign up to volunteer here.

Save the Date

Nutty Squirrel Fundraiser  Tuesday April 30 3-6pm

Movie Night Friday May 10 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Important School Calendar Dates

  • Thursday May 16th – Community Salmon Gathering, 5:30, Carkeek Park
  • Monday May 27th – Memorial Day, no school
  • Thursday May 30th – Evening of the Arts