Viewlands Elementary

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 4-26-24

Hello Viewlands Families!

This week we bid farewell to our salmon fry! The 5th graders and 4th graders in Mr. Thorpe’s split grade class brought the salmon to Carkeek to be released in the imprint pond. The salmon fry will be in the imprint pond for a few weeks before being released in Pipers Creek for the next stage of their journey. Our kindergarteners paraded through the 3rd-5th grade classrooms Monday in the afternoon to celebrate the salmon before they left Tuesday morning. They sang the salmon stages song and wore their salmon hats on the parade. This is a new tradition, where are oldest Orcas are the stewards of the salmon while here and take them back to Carkeek, and our youngest Orcas parade and celebrate their journey before they leave.

There are always highlights when listening and learning with and from our students. This week talking to a few groups of kindergartens making observations about water as kindergartener scientists; spending time in community with some students at Latinx night; visiting with alum Viewlands students that returned to volunteer at Latinx night and see the school; and celebrating some reading growth and successes with some of our 1st graders were the highlights! Your children are bright, inquisitive, and creative thinkers. We will continue to seek ways to make every student feel known, valued, and empowered through the year.

In Partnership,

Carrie Wheeler | Viewlands Principal

P.E. BIKING PROGRAM for 3rd-5th Grade

Our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders will be participating in a biking unit during their P.E. classes in May. The bike unit will be happening between Tuesday May 7th and Wednesday May 29th. The specific days will be provided by Coach Lauren to classes.  This is a partnership between Seattle Public Schools, Cascade Bicycle Club and Seattle Department of Transportation. The bikes are provided for use during this unit by Cascade Bicycle Club! Coach Lauren will be used the new traffic garden that is part of the upper play area on the playground to teach bike safety and bike riding at Viewlands.

Elementary_SPSSDOT_Letter to Families.pdf 

Elementary_SPSSDOT Spanish_Letter to families.pdf 

We will need volunteers to support during P.E. classes with our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. You must be an approved volunteer to support this activity. If you are an approved volunteer and willing to support during one or more of our classes, we would greatly appreciate the support. Coach Lauren will be creating a link for volunteers and will send that to 3rd-5th grade classes soon.

 If you have any questions, you can reach out to Coach Lauren at

Yearbooks – Last Day for Orders, Next Friday, May 3rd

Viewlands Yearbooks are on sale for just $16 each, and feature class pictures, candid pictures, and every cover art submission. There’s also a page for student signatures that’s become a wonderful end of year tradition. You don’t want to miss out!

Yearbook orders can be placed now through next Friday, May 3rd either online or manually by returning the order form that was sent home in the red folders to the school office. Please also consider sponsoring a yearbook (or a few!) for other Viewlands students.

The paper order form came home with students this week. The online order is available:


Please save the date for our Viewlands Field Day. We will need a lot of parent/family volunteers at field day. This is a fun event of outdoor activities for all students. Like last year we will have a K-2 and a 3-5 time in the morning for field day. We need a lot of family volunteers to make field day successful. Please save the date if you can volunteer at this event. Field day will be Friday, June 14th.

VEPTSA Update:

Message from VEPSTA Partners

Click the header for links and more details on each topic.

Spring Auction  Tomorrow – Saturday April 27

Tickets are still available! We look forward to seeing everyone at tomorrow’s event. The online silent auction is open through 8pm today!

Nutty Squirrel Fundraiser  Tuesday April 30 3-6pm
Viewlands receives 15% of all sales.

Yearbook 23-24  Sales close Friday May 3rd
Email  request a free copy.

Mother’s Day Bouquet order by May 4 – pick up by Saturday, May 11.

Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10

Walk, Bike, & Roll to School May 8

Wonka – Family Movie Night Friday May 10 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Bring the family for pizza and popcorn at the inaugural new building family movie night featuring Wonka. This is NOT a drop off event. Volunteer.

Important School Calendar Dates

  • Thursday May 16th – Community Salmon Gathering, 5:30, Carkeek Park
  • Monday May 27th – Memorial Day, no school
  • Thursday May 30th – Evening of the Arts
  • Thursday, June 6th – Neighborhood Community Celebration of the New Building
  • Friday, June 14th – Field Day
  • Tuesday June 18th – Kindergarten Celebration
  • Wednesday June 19th – Juneteenth, No School
  • Thursday June 20th – 5th Grade Promotion and Celebration
  • Friday June 21st – Last day of school, early dismissal at 1:25.