Viewlands Elementary

Viewlands Playground Summer Closure

Viewlands Playground is Closed

The Viewlands playground is closed to the public this summer due to construction.

Hello Viewlands Families and Neighbors!

This summer there will be construction happening on campus, both inside and outside the building. There were a few more substantial projects that had to wait until summer to be completed when students were not in the building. There are also some additional items that need to be completed. We know we are all anxious for this project to truly be complete!

Unfortunately, there are some substantial projects that need to happen in the playground areas. The large bio retention pond is not functioning properly. It must be completely redone, which will likely require a minimum of 3-4 weeks to complete during July. The large blue spruce tree located in the middle of the preschool play area is no longer healthy. It must be removed, and a new evergreen planted, which will take up to 1 week to complete. This will also likely happen in July. There are additional tree grates and some additional projects that need to take place in the front entry and around the perimeter of the campus, as well as the playground areas.

There are also additional projects that need to happen in the building to finish up some projects that were delayed due to our use of the building or due to delays in receiving materials. This is not what any of us want or hoped for, as we know the community was excited to use the playground this summer. I know many community members have been enjoying accessing the large playground on weekends since mid-May. Due to the ongoing construction needs, where materials will need to be left, and to maintain spaces for Creative Kids childcare programming, the campus will be closed completely starting Monday July 24th. The hope is that the playground will be open for community access in early August. We will update the website and remove closed signs on the fences of the playground when work is complete.

In partnership,
Carrie Wheeler | Viewlands Principal

The details:

  • Viewlands Campus Closed (including all playgrounds) weekdays
    and weekends as of Monday June 24th.
  • If construction has gates open to move materials in and out,
    please stay out of the campus/off the playground.
  • Large playground may re-open for community access sometime in
    early August once projects are completed. We will send an update
    via e-mail and post on the website when community access is