Viewlands Elementary

Staff Directory

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Ilknur Lee

Lee, Ilke

Head Start Family Educator
Major, Susannah

Major, Susannah

Speech Language Pathologist
McCormick, Lin

McCormick, Lin

Administrative Secretary

I am a fifth generation Northern Californian and proud of my mixed Chinese and British background. I love farmers markets, ferry rides, road trips, live music, and wandering the city with my dog, Slim. Prior to joining Viewlands I taught preschool and I continue to enjoy forming connections with kids and their families.

Jennifer McLuen

McLuen, Jen

Physical Therapist
McVay, Marilyn

McVay, Marilyn

Special Education Teacher - Resource

I look forward to working with all of my students and their families. As your child’s special education teacher, I will be working hard to help them make academic progress in a safe, structured, and positive environment.

Working together, we can make this a very positive and productive year for your child. Please feel free to contact me at anytime.

Jena Meagher

Meagher, Jena

Teacher-3rd Grade

Hola! I’m Ms. Meagher (MAW-her). This is my 9th year teaching third grade at Viewlands Elementary. I was born in Washington state and completed my undergrad and graduate degrees at the UW. I love to read, drink tea, walk my dog in the sunshine, and travel to places I have never been. I am very proud of my Latinx identity and the ways I connect to the cultures and traditions of my Mexican roots.

Mihirga, Netsanet

Mihirga, Netsanet

Head Start Family Educator
Misner, Emmy

Misner, Emmy


Emmy Misner is a veteran teacher who currently works as the librarian at Viewlands Elementary and John Hay Elementary. She is a California transplant who arrived in Seattle in 1998 and has spent the years since teaching 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. When not working she enjoys reading, volunteering for STG, tinkering on her computer, and spending time with her family which includes two UW students, her husband, and her crazy puppy, Phoebe. If you are interested in volunteering in the library, please email Emmy at


Nelson, Lora

Nelson, Lora

Rachel Schilke

Schilke, Rachel

Teacher-4th/5th Grade

I am a partner, a discoverer of hidden talents, a coach, a guide, and a learner here at Viewlands Elementary for the past 8 years. Teaching is a lifestyle that encompasses my greatest beliefs and faith in humanity and my wildest hopes for the future of our neighborhoods, nation, and world. When I'm not in a classroom, I love exploring in my camper, reading with a cup of tea in my hand, digging in my garden, or playing games with my family.

Shagoury, Teresa

Shagoury, Teresa

Head Start Family Educator
Smith, Lendale

Smith, Lendale

Recess Supervisor
Scott Thorpe

Thorpe, Scott

Teacher-4th/5th Grade
Velez, Hector

Velez, Hector

Bilingual Instructional Assistant
Veliz, Miranda

Veliz, Miranda

Teacher - 1st Grade
Voigt, Trisha

Voigt, Trisha

Special Education Instructional Assistant - Distinct

I love seeing the students faces light up when they understand a concept. Outside of school I like to spend time with my family and friends, work in my yard and bake.

Wartes, Brian

Wartes, Brian

Teacher-1st Grade
Carrie Wheeler

Wheeler, Carrie


Ms. Wheeler has been working in education since 2003. She has worked in different roles within special education prior to transitioning to building-based leadership. Ms. Wheeler was the assistant principal for 2 years at Viewlands starting in the 2018-2019 school year. She has been the principal at Viewlands since the 2020-2021 school year. She loves being part of the Viewlands orca pod.

A message from Ms. Wheeler: Part of the Viewlands vision is ‘every child known’. In our school community, we want students to feel known. A student that feels known is the first step to helping students feel valued, seen and heard as their own unique self. I strive for every student to feel connected to our school community. Viewlands serves a beautifully diverse community of learners and families. We are rich with diversity of cultural heritage, socioeconomic background and lived experiences. Being part of this beautifully diverse community helps us all grow our capacity for seeing and understanding the world from multiple perspectives further deepening our sense of connection. I am proud to be part of the Viewlands community!

Wuneh, Teklit

Custodial Staff