Viewlands Elementary

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Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 3-21-25

Hello Viewlands Families! This week started off on Monday with an incredible all school assembly celebrating dance, music, and St. Paddy’s Day. One of our very own Viewlands students is a member of the Irish dance team at Tara Academy of Irish Dance studio. As part of their community service and to…

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 3-14-25

Hello Viewlands Families! This week Ms. B was able to put the collaborative snake art project up. Every Viewlands student, across grades and classrooms, painted their own scale as part of the collaborative art project to honor the Lunar New Year.  Today was Pi Day! The 4th and 5th graders have been…

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 3-7-25

Hello Viewlands Families! Tomorrow, Saturday, March 8, VEPTSA is hosting the Viewlands Orca Cup at Sandel Park 2-4PM. This is a free community family event with soccer, music, and snacks. This is a fun community event and a great opportunity to connect with other Viewlands families. A few highlights from…
flower market buckets full of tulips

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-28-25

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-28-25 Hello Viewlands Families! A sneak peek at those beautiful blue sky sunny spring days that we all love visited us this week at the end of February, which was lovely, and a welcomed surprise after the cold and snow earlier this month.  This week we had a…
Cesar Chavez

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-14-25

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-14-25 Hello Viewlands Families! Today was a day of inspiration, fun, and connection. It was the 100th day of school for our 1st through 5th graders! It was a day to let our community members know we care! It was also a day of inspiration, thanks to our 2nd grade students and…
two stick people holding hands

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-7-25

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 2-7-25 Hello Viewlands Families! It has been a wild weather week. While no one wants remote learning, everyone, staff, students, and families all did our best! Thank you for embracing joyful flexibility during the remote learning! Today devices are coming home again due to potential weather…
yellow and blue bikes

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 01-31-25

Principal Wheeler’s January 31 Update EnglishEspañol English Hello Viewlands Families! This week on Thursday, Ms. Misner and our Seattle Public librarian, hosted the Viewlands Global Reading Challenge for the 4th and 5th graders that chose to participate on a team. The Global Reading Challenge is something Viewlands participates in annually.
Graphic of students arriving at school via walking, biking, or rolling in a wheelchair

Seattle Public Schools – Levy Renewals

Seattle Public Schools – Levy Renewals Ballots for the levy renewals are due to King County Elections by 8PM on Tuesday, February 11th. Visit the SPS website to learn more about the Levies. Why do schools need levies?  State, local, and federal dollars fund school districts.
tree with paper ornaments hanging from it

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 1-24-25

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 1-24-25 Hello Viewlands Families! Our 2nd grade team is co-creating and leading our school in a Gathering for Positive Change assembly and community march on Friday, February 14. This is in honor of Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy and Black History month. Students will be sharing their hopes…
Martin Luther King jr.

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 1-17-25

Principal Wheeler’s Weekly Update 1-17-25 Hello Viewlands Families! There is no school on Monday, January 20th, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This week as we head into MLK weekend, students were discussing, sharing, and grappling with concepts related to freedom, social justice, and activism. Each classroom approached…